Mental Health of Teens

Depression and anxiety due to social isolation affected an overwhelming number of teenagers during this COVID-19 pandemic.

The lives of teens were disrupted with some having lost family members. Others live in fear for themselves and their family members- and many teens were victims of domestic abuse. Virtual learning alone has its challenges, leading to poor academic outcomes and low self-esteem. Anxiety from returning to school remains an issue. For instance, teens now fear illness, meeting people and have concerns about body image, physical changes and what peers might think about them.

Signs and symptoms of depression
Little interest or pleasure in doing things
Feeling down, depressed or hopeless
Insomnia, staying asleep, or sleeping too much
Feeling tired or having little or no energy
Poor appetite or overeating
Feeling bad about themselves, that they may be a failure and letting their family down
Trouble concentrating on things like watching television
Being restless and fidgety
Thoughts of self-harm

Signs and symptoms of anxiety
Fear when away from the parent, scared to be alone, or to sleep alone
Headache or abdominal pain at school
Worries about going to school
Feels like fainting when frightened
Difficulty breathing or having a choking sensation
Palpitations, pallor and sweating, dizziness, shakiness when nervous or scared
Worries that something terrible is going to happen to parents
Feels shy around people he doesn’t know well, or finds it hard to talk around them
Worries about being as good as other kids
Worries about other people not liking her
When frightened, feels like things are not real
Gets frightened for no reason at all
Worries about things not working out for her
Worries about how well she does things
Worries about things that have already happened

Paediatrician’s role
Common complaints at the paediatrician’s are excessive weight loss or weight gain, headaches, abdominal pain, sleep problems, academic decline, fatigue, heart palpitations chest pain and irritability.

Paediatricians, and family doctors can play a vital role in the detection of depression and anxiety in children and teenagers. Your doctor can initiate medications if indicated and may refer the teen to a psychiatrist. Psychotherapy is an essential part of treatment.

Successful depression and anxiety management requires family support and self-care.

Self-care tips
Getting eight hours’ sleep, going to bed at the same time seven days a week and limiting screen time, especially around bedtime
Limiting caffeine
Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking a lot of water and not skipping meals
Spending time outdoors in nature and sunshine
Getting exercise: brisk walking, jogging, biking, weight training five days a week
Meditating or practising yoga and breathing techniques
Listening to music at least 20 minutes a day
Trying aromatherapy (lavender is ideal)
Cultivating gratitude
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