7 Back-to-School Basics

Dr Said Qabbaah, Medical Writer & Public Health Expert

With the back-to-school season upon us, parents and children alike experience a mix of excitement and anxiety. This is a time for new beginnings, new friendships and new learning opportunities.

However, this is also a time where maintaining health becomes crucial. With the transition back to the classroom, children are exposed to new environments and routines and parents end up juggling their schedules to accommodate school times.

This can often make people neglect important things such as their health. Here are some effective health tips to ensure a smooth, healthy start to the school year.

Establishing a routine

One of the most significant adjustments during the back-to-school season is re-establishing a daily routine. This helps children feel secure and understand what is expected of them.

A helpful tip is to start by setting a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule a few weeks before school starts.

This approach ensures that when school begins, everyone can adjust more easily and maintain healthy habits, because adequate sleep is crucial for concentration, memory and overall wellbeing during this especially important time.

Unsurprisingly, the start of the school day can indeed be chaotic, but a well-planned routine can really help. This can be as simple as preparing clothes, bags and lunches the night before to reduce morning stress.

Prioritising nutrition

A balanced diet is vital for a child’s growth, development and academic performance. Ensure that your child’s meals include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins and dairy.

Try to limit sugary snacks and beverages as sugar can lead to poor energy levels and concentration.

School lunches should be nutritious and appealing and include a variety of items such as sandwiches made from wholegrain bread, fresh fruit, vegetables and a source of protein such as cheese.

Breakfast is also crucial for kick-starting the day, as it provides the energy needed to perform effectively. Aim for a mix of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates, with examples including whole-grain cereals with milk, yogurt with fruit, or eggs with whole-grain toast.

Focusing on mental health

Transitioning back to school can be stressful. So, encouraging open communication with your child about their feelings and concerns is important.

Creating a supportive environment where your child  feels comfortable discussing concerns, is crucial.

If you feel that your child is indeed experiencing stress or anxiety, try to teach them mindfulness and relaxation techniques to better manage negative thoughts and emotions.

Simple techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can be very effective where appropriate. There are also many apps and online resources available to help children practice mindfulness.

However, if you believe that your child is struggling with more severe mental health issues, it may be necessary to seek professional help, where the school counselor, psychologist and your pediatrician can provide helpful support and advice.

Ensuring proper hygiene

Although this may seem evident, but emphasising the importance of maintaining adequate hygiene is essential for health.

You can remind your child the importance of handwashing with soap and water (or using hand sanitiser for times when soap and water are not available) especially before eating, after using the bathroom and after coughing or sneezing.

Good hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and developing illnesses, which is particularly crucial when attending school and interacting with many other children.

Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that your child’s vaccinations are up-to-date, which is important for preventing diseases and maintaining good health within the community.

Creating a homework-friendly environment

It’s important to find a quiet, well-lit area at home for homework and studying. A designated space helps children focus and develop good study habits.

This minimses distractions by keeping the study area free from noise and electronic devices that are not needed for schoolwork.

You can set a specific time for homework each day; this consistency helps your child understand the importance of schoolwork and to manage time effectively.

Encouraging healthy social interactions

Encourage your child to develop healthy social

skills by interacting with peers and participating in group activities.

Social interaction is vital for emotional development and building friendships. Praise your child for their efforts and achievements in school and extracurricular activities.

Positive reinforcement boosts self-esteem and motivation. it is also equally important to teach your child to recognise and report any bullying. Encourage them to speak up if they, or someone else, are being bullied and to seek help from trusted adults.

Managing screen time

Technology has undeniably transformed every aspect of our lives permanently. However, it does have its drawbacks.

Establishing clear rules for screen time, including time spent on computers, televisions, tablets, and smartphones, is a must. This can be done by designating certain areas of the home, such as the dining room and bedroom, as screen-free zones to promote family interaction and healthier habits.

Excessive screen time can affect sleep, physical activity  and social interactions. It can also significantly impact mental health, particularly through excessive use of social media platforms.

This back-to-school season is an exciting time filled with opportunities for growth, learning and personal development. Armed with essential health tips, parents play a pivotal role in nurturing their childrens wellbeing and enabling a smooth transition into the academic year.

As children embark on this new chapter in their lives, you can effectively help your child navigate any challenges they might face and embrace future opportunities, laying the groundwork for a healthy and successful school year.   

You can contact Dr Said Qabbaah at [email protected]