Ayurvedic Nutrition for Couples

Ayurvedic Nutrition for Couples
By Zoraya Bernal,
Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Registered Nurse

Nourishing relationships, especially the one you have with your partner or special someone starts by nourishing yourself first. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda teaches us that nourishing our unique energy pattern is key to living a happy life and maintaining loving relationships.

The saying: “You can’t pour from an empty cup” is reminder for all of us to take care of our physical, mental and spiritual health first in order to give to others the best version of ourselves. This is why self-care is an essential part of living a balanced and healthy life and it starts the daily choices you make, particularly with your diet.

Holistic medicine
If you are not familiar with Ayurveda, it is the oldest holistic medical science in the world, and in Sanskrit it means “the science of life“ which originated approximately 5,000 years ago in India. Ayurveda has gained recent popularity in the Western World since it is the sister science to yoga. They both work together to promote the foundation of health through daily practices such as meditation, breathing, mindful nutrition for your body type and yoga postures (asanas).

I came across Ayurveda a few years ago while studying Holistic Nutrition in Canada and right away fell in love with it since it encompasses what holistic wellness and living is all about! Ever since, I have been implementing these principles in my own personal and professional life incorporating Ayurvedic principles.
It also amazes me how the principles of the many natural healing systems now familiar in the Western and Eastern World have their roots in Ayurveda, including homeopathy and acupuncture to mention a few.
Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and enables one to understand how to create BALANCE of the mind, physical body and consciousness according to your constitution or body type called doshas.
According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of five universal elements: Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Space, which are known As Vata, Pitta, and Kapha respectively. These doshas are closely related to the bodily functions and the elements of nature; if they are imbalanced it can affect your physical and mental health, thus affecting the kind of relationships you have with the people you live with, especially your partner. Consequently, your constitution or dosha dictates your personality traits, dietary and lifestyle choices.
So, if you know your dosha and how to take care of yourself accordingly, you can also start helping your partner achieve wellness and balance as well as holding each other accountable.
To know your dosha or body constitution, you can take a quick online quiz to find out. There are hundreds of options online, as well as credible Ayurveda practitioners worldwide.
Ayurveda dietary and lifestyle practices
 Start your day by taking care of physical needs, especially scraping your tongue with a stainless steel, plastic or copper tongue scraper to help you get rid of toxins that have accumulated overnight. You can find a tongue scraper at a pharmacy or online.
 Drink 3 – 4 litres of warm water per day to help you detoxify. You can do this by making a pot of tea the night before, with herbs appropriate for your dosha and changing the type of herbs each day to keep you motivated and to increase your fluid intake. For instance, green tea with cinnamon is great for Vata and lemon-ginger tea is great for Kappha people.
 Have fun cooking meals together with wholesome recipes that include green leafy greens, grains and legumes, organic lean meats and healthy fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, ghee butter (clarified butter) and avocados. A classic Ayurvedic dish that promotes digestive health, detoxification and balances the three doshas is called Kitchari. It is easy to prepare and contains mung beans which are easily digested and are also high in protein along with other root vegetables, herbs and spices. You can look up a recipe online since it is quite popular.
 When cooking, include foods that are in season to ensure that your food is fresh, full of vitamins and filled with prana or vital energy. For instance, fresh fruits like figs, blueberries and watermelons and vegetables, like celery, are filled with vitamins and electrolytes to help you stay hydrated during the summer months. Whereas in the fall and winter season, root vegetables like pumpkin, beets and carrots help you stay grounded and warm.
 To improve digestion and food palatability, include herbs and spices that benefit and balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) such as cumin, coriander, turmeric and fennel. For example, cumin has an earthy and fragrant aroma that makes it a culinary staple in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. It can help improve digestion thanks to its ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients from food. It can also stimulate agni (digestive fire), improve lymphatic drainage and dispel gas. On the other hand, coriander helps to reduce the acidity in the digestive tract and reduce inflammation
 Good quality sleep is one of the pillars for rejuvenation and good health in Ayurveda. To promote a good night’s rest, it is important to have a light meal three hours before going to bed so that it doesn’t interfere with the body’s detoxification processes during sleep time. For example, a light soup or vegetable broth is a great meal to nourish you and light enough to help you sleep
 Towards the end of the day, you can create a positive atmosphere to induce relaxation for yourself and your partner by turning off all electronic devices as well as dimming the lights. This will signal your brain to start slowing down and start producing the sleep hormone melatonin. This hormone plays a vital role in circadian rhythm regulation, immune health, healthy weight as well as preventing premature ageing since it acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Nourishing yourself and the relationship you have with your partner requires a better understanding of your unique body constitutions, preferences and natural tendencies, so that you can bring balance and health into your lives. Therefore, by slowly incorporating these simple Ayurvedic principles into your daily self-care routine, while staying motivated and accountable by your special someone will promote an everlasting foundation of wellness and mutual satisfaction.

You can contact Bernal at [email protected]

Certified Ayurveda practitioners in Amman
If you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can help you achieve a healthier life with natural practices, you can consult these local certified practitioners in Amman, Jordan:
Adel Zawati Kimyaayurvedics.com
Lama Ghoul (Ayurvedic Nutritionist)
Dr Lina Zalloum (Ayurvedic Doctor) at Ayurvedabylina.com

Your Drink for Better Sleep!
You can prepare a “golden turmeric latte“ and hour before going to sleep-a staple beverage in Ayurvedic medicine. This beverage contains turmeric and ashwagandha – globally renowned herbs for their anti-inflammatory and stress reducing properties. It can be made with your choice of milk (plant based or cow’s milk) and warming spices like cinnamon that balance and calm the three doshas.

Golden Turmeric Milk
(2 servings)

1 tbsp ginger, grated
1 cup milk of your choice (coconut, * almond, cow)
1 cup water
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup
½ tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp coconut oil
½ tsp black pepper
*Subscribers this month recieved plant based coconut milk – details on page 55

1. After grating the ginger, squeeze the juice out into a saucepan. Discard the pulp
2. Add the remaining ingredients to the saucepan and place over medium heat. Heat for about three to five minutes, not letting it come to a boil. Whisk continuously
3. Carefully transfer into a mason jar and seal with a lid. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds, or until a foam starts to form
4. Pour into glasses through a sieve and enjoy!

Tip to avoid a mess: rinse all glasses and mugs right after use to avoid turmeric stains. Use baking soda on these stains if they do occur

On-the-go tip: Add all ingredients except water to a mason jar. When ready to drink, just add hot water from the kettle and shake for a warming, anti-inflammatory snack.